Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Debate Highlight

I got interrupted and didn’t see the entire debate.  However the part that I did see that made my day was delivered by Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and Former Speaker Newt Gingrich.  That exchange between Washington Post knot-head Karen Tumulty, Charlie Rose (PBS Free-Loader) and the two Republicans was priceless.  It exposes just how stupid and uniformed the average mainstream reporter really is. 

If you missed it, you owe it to yourself to watch (it begins at 7:40):  

Tumulty in asking Bachmann why no Wall Street bankers have been jailed indicates that she has no understanding of what just happened.  Michelle Bachmann holds school on the news twit who sits there slack jawed.  Then Tumulty turns to Gingrich who she hopes will destroy Bachmann’s tutorial and Newt blasts her in support.  Both the Republicans point out that were anyone to be jailed, they should start with Congressman Barney Frank (Pervert-MA) and former Senator Chris Dodd (Thief-CT).  As an aside, what is wrong with you New Englanders anyway? 

After being frustrated in trying to cover the tracks of incompetent Democrats (Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, whatever) Charlie Rose jumps in with “Clearly you’re not saying that they should go to jail . . . “ at which point Gingrich jumps back in saying that’s pretty much exactly what the two Republicans mean. 

Nothing in recent memory points out the disconnect between the mainstream media and reality than this exchange.  Karen Tumulty and Charlie Rose – you are both certifiable morons.  Speaker Gingrich and Congresswoman Bachmann – Bravo!


  1. You don't mean they should go to jail? Noooo. Let them rape and pillage. What an asshat.

  2. Amigo,
    That was excellent. I'll bet the libs are still mumbling about it wondering what happened. Funny how they cannot comprehend who caused the financial meltdown... but that's off script.

  3. Excellent. Thanks for posting this. I've always liked Newt as a speaker. Too bad he doesn't have a chance. He and Bachmann made it pretty clear.

  4. Well it just doesn't get much simpler than that, eh? I liked the challenge to the media myself.

    This exchange just inspired a potential Republican tagline ... CUT GOVERNMENT DOWN TO SIZE. How's that for a new GOP mantra? Well, I tried.

  5. I agree-the media minions are clueless to what is really happening--they say they are "progressive" well lemmings are "progressive" too---towards what? good post.

  6. Tenth - I think Barney would look great decked out in prison garb.

  7. H-Nox,

    It's particularly funny that Charlie Rose (Panhandler Broadcasting Corp) supposedly has such a serious reputation - he's a buffoon.

  8. Ted - I like Newt, but I don't want to have to relive his personal life on the front page again.

  9. Mrs. AL - good sloganeering - we could do worse.

  10. Gallant,

    Makes one wonder what we get for all those dollars that get laundered through Panhandler Broadcasting and Radio.
